About us

Our values

Our goal is to support businesses who want to challenge the current models and generate a positive impact in terms of sustainability. The selection is built on two main aspects: ethics and ecology, which are the main pillars of sustainability to us.
We are the brand made by real people who are born with a positive message and a will to change the status quo.

Our priority is that human lives are respected. We always investigate to know where the materials come from, where the products are made and in which conditions.

The pollution of our soils is a big concern to us, which is why we strongly advocate for organic products and ingredients, whether it be textiles, cosmetics or foods. Organic products benefit our health as well which is super important as we are becoming more and more sensitive to chemicals in our environment.

Natural textiles, materials, ingredients come with lower costs to the planet because they are renewable and can return to the soil. They are also a lot healthier to use. Basically we want to exclude everything that is made from synthetic origins like plastic or other petroleum based derivatives. We do not state that products are natural unless they are 100% natural.

Our packaging


We’re committed to using renewable, recyclable and refillable packaging for our products, while eliminating as much unnecessary packaging as possible. We’re reducing and eliminating unnecessary plastic so less waste ends up in landfill.

And we are working on making 100% of plastic packaging to be reusable or recyclable.

Also, we are going to set up a packaging return scheme where plastic packaging will be returned & reused as recycled content.

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